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Message from Katie Smith Sloan
2017 has been a banner year for the Global Ageing Network. We rebranded our name in January 2017 that redefined what it means to be a global network…inclusive, fluid, nimble, and innovative. We have broadened our reach and deepened our engagement. I believe the Global Ageing Network is needed now more than ever as societies rapidly age. We are firmly committed to enhancing the quality of life for ageing and are excited about the possibilities before us as we head into the new year. Thank you for being part of this dynamic Global Ageing Network.
-Katie Smith Sloan, Executive Director, Global Ageing Network
Who We Are
“The world’s only network of ageing service providers”
The Global Ageing Network is an international community of leaders in ageing services, housing, research, technology and design. We bring together experts from around the world, lead education initiatives and provide a place for innovative ideas in senior care to be born and shared. We pave the way to improve best practices in aged care so that older people everywhere can live healthier, safer, and more independent lives. The Global Ageing Network has grown from an idea to a vibrant network spanning nearly 50 countries serving millions of people every day.
The Global Ageing Network is well situated to become a global force of change for aged care providers. Global Ageing member organizations range from small nursing homes in rural South Africa, to large multi-site faith based organizations in Australia, to retirement communities in New Zealand, Canada, and the U.S. The diversity of approach, services, cultural influences and resources adds to the richness of the global network. It affords a tremendous opportunity to expand our thinking and learn from one another.
Global Ageing members share knowledge and engage with other organizations around the world via our website. Members also learn the latest in global ageing news and trends through the Global Ageing Network’s monthly newsletter, Alliance. The Global Ageing Network has been awarded Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
The core of the Network is made up of regional or country-based associations or organizations whose members are ageing service providers and who realize the importance of global connections in providing care for the elderly. Among them are organizations in Australia, China, Malaysia, Korea, Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States.
Our Mission
The Global Ageing Network’s mission is to connect and support care and service providers worldwide to enhance quality of life for ageing.
Our mission is advanced through education, leadership, collaboration and research. Our members include professionals and organizations in ageing services, governments, volunteer organizations, businesses, academics, researchers and architects that specialize in design for ageing.
2017 Highlights
Connected With India
Jack York, President and Co-Founder of It’s Never 2 Late, and Marcus Riley, Global Ageing Network Board Chair, spoke at the International Conference of Services to the Elderly in Hyderabad, India in March. The conference touched on issues that impact the world; dementia, disparate incomes and its impact on health services, isolation, funding, etc. Robust discussions and passionate ideas flowed freely through the exchanges.
Launch of the Innovation Platform
The Innovation Platform was launched in June 2017. Innovation in aged care, services, and housing is essential to meet the needs of societies that are facing an unprecedented demographic shift. The Global Ageing Network Innovation Platform is designed to be a resource for the field of ageing. We hope that members will share innovative ideas, proven or promising, with us so that we can, in turn, share with others.
Successful Conference in Montreux!
This year’s Global Ageing Conference in Montreux, Switzerland (18-21 September 2017) connected over a thousand aged care professionals representing more than 20 countries and 6 continents! Conference highlights ranged from an immersive 2-day leadership development program to a robust educational offering with topics ranging from innovative care models and dementia care to strategic leadership and wellness.

Thanks to the generous contributions of members, we were able to provide scholarships to six aged care professionals from developing countries to attend the conference. Each recipient was paired with a “buddy” from the Global Ageing Network. The opportunity to learn from another was priceless.

The conference was sprinkled with exciting entertainment, networking opportunities and social events, including a beautiful opening reception and dinner (where our 2017 Awards for Excellence recipients were recognized and presented with their awards) and a closing Farewell Reception for our international attendees to toast and bid sweet goodbye to beautiful Montreux.
The Global Ageing Network 2017 Awards for Excellence
Congratulations to the recipients of the Global Ageing Network Awards for Excellence. The Global Ageing Excellence in Ageing Services Award recognizes organizations and/or individuals for programs and services that are models of innovation and excellence and that contribute significantly to the quality of life of the individuals served. The Global Ageing Award for Excellence in Applied Research recognizes the ongoing commitment to quality in ageing services through evidence-based research, translation of research into practice, and dissemination of research findings through internal and external shared learning opportunities. We also presented two Special Commendations in Ageing Services.
2017 Excellence in Ageing Services Award Recipient
Penn Asian Senior Services (PASSi) is a nonprofit organization in Pennsylvania, US that promotes the wellbeing of Asian American seniors and other adults who are disadvantaged by their language and cultural barriers
2017 Excellence in Applied Research Award Recipients
ViTA-ACH Group is a purpose built teaching, research aged care service in Adelaide, South Australia. ViTA has been designed to provide a new approach to aged care, to maximize collaboration and promote innovation in service delivery. The aims for ViTA are to embed teaching and research within the delivery of services which promote restoration and rehabilitation for older people in short term and long term care.
The Nova Scotia Centre on Aging (NSCA) is a university-based research centre that conducts applied research on age-related issues. Its mission is to advance knowledge on aging to inform social policy and practice, and enhance the quality of life of older people and their families.
Special Commendation in Ageing Services
Purity Elderly Care Foundation is a non-governmental organization registered in the Republic of Kenya to help vulnerable elderly members of society. The support provided includes, but is not limited to, compassion visits, cleaning homes, helping the sick get to the hospital, repair/rebuild dilapidated houses, hold free medical camps, observe International Days, lobby and advocate for their rights through family and government structure.
Kemira at IRT William Beach Gardens is a community that was designed to accommodate people with intellectual disability who are living with their primary carer(s), show signs of ageing, and are (now or in the future) at risk of being separated due to increasing needs or significant challenges within their living environment. It is the result of in-depth research by community-based aged care provider IRT Group, its disability sector partners, and the University of Wollongong.
The Global Ageing Network in New Orleans!
Global Ageing Network Members participated in the LeadingAge Annual Meeting and EXPO in New Orleans in October. Leadership Retreat Alumni, board members, and LeadingAge members participated in a four-day conference for not-for-profit ageing service professionals. The conference provided an opportunity to renew inspiration, exchange ideas, and build relationships to ensure the future care of our elder comm
Francis Njuakom, Chief Executive of Community Development Volunteers for Technical Assistance (CDVTA Cameroon), and Rosaeline Kamdem, participated at the EXPO to highlight their organizations mission to promote elderly friendly communities through rights, advocacy, and improved livelihoods.
New Chapters & Partnerships
We are excited at the growth of the Global Ageing Network with the recent addition of new chapters and partners. We will continue to expand our Network and are currently formulizing agreements with members in Australia, South Africa, Lebanon, and Malawi.
Leading Age Services Australia (LASA)
Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) formulized a partnership with the Global Ageing Network in October 2017. The partnership provides all LASA members with access to the resources, networks, and support available from the Network. LASA CEO, Sean Rooney, said the partnership was significant and would ensure LASA Members directly benefited from the shared knowledge, professional development, educational resources and leadership opportunities that the Global Ageing Network provides. According to Mr. Rooney, “in an era when the world’s population is collectively ageing, it is vital to embrace the opportunities and connections that will emerge from beyond the narrow confines of boards and countries.”
Malaysia Ageing Network
The Malaysia Ageing Network became a chapter of the Global Ageing Network in August 2017. Dr. Ejaz Ahmad Chaudry, the CEO and director of operations of Noble Care Malaysia. Dr. Ejaz finalized the renovation of the Malaysia Ageing Network in October. They are currently planning an inauguration ceremony for the Malaysian Chapter.
Global Ageing Network Chapters & Affiliates
South Africa Care Forum
Lebanon Care Forum
National Care Forum
Malawi Network of Elderly Persons Organisations (MANEPO)
Community Development Volunteers for Technical Assistance (CDVTA Cameroon)
Geriatric Respite Care Foundation – Uganda
Thank You to Our 2017 Board Members!
Thank you to the Global Ageing Network Board Members who have been extraordinarily generous with their time, wisdom, and support to ensure that the Global Ageing Network remains committed to our mission and vision.
2017 Board Members
Marcus Riley, Board Chair (Ballycara, Queensland, Australia)
Margie Van Zyl Chapman, Immediate Past Chair (Geratec, Cape Town, South Africa)
Julienne Meyer, Vice Chair (My Home Life, City, United Kingdom)
Markus Leser, Secretary (Curaviva, Switzerland)
Vivienne Allanson, (Aged & Community, Australia)
Rich Browdie (Benjamin Rose, Ohio, USA)
Stuart Kaplan (Selfhelp Community Services, New York, USA)
Emi Kiyota (Ibasho, Maryland, USA)
Aad Koster (EAHSA, Netherlands)
Dan Levitt (Tabor Village, British Columbia, Canada)
Vincenzo Paolino (queerAltern, Zurich, Switzerland)
Rich Schutt (Providence Life Services, Illinois, USA)
Richard Semanda (Geriatric Respite Care Foundation Uganda (GRCF-U), Kampala, Uganda)
Femada Shamam (The Association for the Aged, Durban, South Africa)
Mark Spitalnik (IAHSA-China, China)
Cheryl Wilson (St. Paul Senior Homes & Services, California, USA)
A Fond Farewell to Board Members, Margie Van Zyl Chapman & Viv Allanson
We want to thank two of our board members, Viv Allanson and Margie Van Zyl Chapman, both exceptional board members who completed their terms on the Board. They have been tireless advocates for cross-cultural collaboration across our global Network.
Viv Allanson joined the board in 2014. She currently serves as the CEO of Maroba and was also elected to the Aged and Community Services Association of New South Wales Board of Directors in 2007. With her good cheer and genuine interest in others, she has been a superb ambassador for the Global Ageing Network.
Margie Van Zyl Chapman, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Geratec in South Africa, served as the immediate past chair and joined the Board in 2014. Margie is the Founding Chairperson of the newly formed South African Care Forum. She has been a pivotal member of the Board and has tirelessly worked to expand the Global Ageing Network to members in less developed countries.
Margie and Viv were integral members of the Membership, Communication and Events Committee. We are delighted that Viv and Margie will remain active with the Global Ageing Network and we look forward to working with them closely in the years to come.
Thank You to Marcus Riley, Global Ageing Network Board Chair
Marcus Riley, President and CEO at BallyCara, Marcus has been involved with the Network for many years as a member organization, serving as a Board Member since 2014 and recently as the Global Chairman since January 2016. Although Marcus Riley’s term as the Global Ageing Network Board Chair has ended, his interaction with the Global Ageing Network is far from over. He has been elected to serve as the Asia and the Pacific Region Focal Point on the Stakeholder Group on Ageing (SGA) Steering Committee. SGA, as part of the United Nations system, brings together global and national networks of organizations in the implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
He has invited organizations of all types, sizes and structures to be involved in the Global Ageing Network to benefit from an infrastructure that provides widespread engagement, knowledge and resources. He has been instrumental in leading the growth and development of the Global Ageing Network to pursue its potential to have a positive influence worldwide.
We thank him for his leadership and passion with the Global Ageing Network.
Thank You to the Global Ageing Network Crew
The accomplishments of the past year would not have been achieved without the continuous dedication, expertise, and support from the Global Ageing Network Crew. Thank you for all of your hard work over the past year!
Global Ageing Network Crew Members
Katie Smith Sloan, Executive Director
Shannon Davis, Program Manager
Tessa Atkinson-Adams, Communications
Renee Green, Marketing
Bob Lagoyda, Education
Mia Mullen, Web Master
Taryn Patterson, Research
Ethel Stewart, Membership and Recruitment
Linda Zielinski, Conferences and Meetings
Looking Forward
We are excited to host the 2019 Conference with the Ontario Long Term Care Association (OLTCA) in Toronto, Canada. Please check out our website in 2018 for the Call for Sessions. And stay tuned for information about our 2019 Leadership Retreat as well.
Contribute to Our Innovation Platform!
We hope that you will share your innovative ideas – proven or promising – with us so that we can, in turn, share with others. Tell us the challenge you are facing; perhaps we can match it with an innovative solution.
To learn more about our events and activities, please continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or visit our website at: http://globalageing.org/
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