Serge De Kerf
[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h3″ extra=””]Board Treasurer[/heading]
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Senior Vice President, Seniors Division, Sodexo Belgium (Brussels, Belgium)
Serge De Kerf, previously a free-lance sports journalist, is now the Senior Vice-President within the Belgian Sodexo organization, which he joined in 1994. His first position within the group was as sales manager responsible for business development and later for senior operations. In 2000, he joined the operations team as Regional Director. Serge De Kerf is also a member of the ‘Seniors Market Champions’ International benchmark and strategic planning organization within Sodexo Worldwide. Being a founder member of EAHSA, Serge gives special attention to human aspects of people management especially towards older persons. He believes that ‘ageing’ is much more that a ‘care issue’ or a financial problem—He firmly believes that respect and quality of life are the key to the ‘ageing’ issue.