September 21, 2015

Rubicon Senior Care Market Report: IAHSA Member Discount

BY GlobalAgeing

IAHSA-China, the official chapter of the International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing (IAHSA) in China, and Rubicon Strategy Group are pleased to extend a special offer to IAHSA members.

The Rubicon China Senior Living Market Report combines 6 months of on-the-ground interviews with key stakeholders driving development at roughly 50 senior living sites and multiple home healthcare businesses. Included in the report are updates on new regulations specific to both senior housing and home healthcare, and sector-specific insights derived from years of experience identifying and brokering opportunities in this emerging industry. Coming in at over 200 pages, this report is a unique contribution to the senior living sector in China.

IAHSA members interested in this report are eligible for a 15% discount. To obtain your discount, visit the report web site and use the code iahsa0056 during the checkout process.

For more information contact