Active Ageing Index Shows Winners and Losers
Active Ageing Index Shows Winners and Losers
The E.U.’s latest Active Ageing Index shows that the affluent Nordic and Western European countries top the ranking with Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and the U.K. at the top. The scores indicate that in these four countries, ageing is a coherent policy area that leaves nobody behind. Greece and many Central and Eastern European countries come in last.
The goal of active ageing strategies is to facilitate an environment that is rich in opportunities. The index is comprised of 22 individual indicators grouped around employment, social participation, independent, healthy and secure living and enabling environment. Countries higher on the index tend to have policies that sustain employment levels among older workers and provide income security to retirees. Ireland and Italy stand out in the social participation domain, attributed to family cultures. For most countries, a significant gender gap exists, with women falling behind, driven largely by employment and income gaps.
An analysis of the relationship between the Active Ageing Index and GDP per capita suggests that active ageing can be good for the economy.
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