Annual Report
We are delighted to share the 2024 Global Ageing Network Annual Report. It was an active year for the Global Ageing Network and our members!
Our vision is a world which respects the dignity and worth of all older people, regardless of circumstance. We believe that every individual deserves the right to quality services, support, and care. In 2024, the Global Ageing Network accelerated the opportunities for learning, sharing, and taking global action around our common vision.
The dramatic demographic shifts across the globe are profoundly impacting social care, older people, families, and communities. No one country has all the answers and no one approach addresses all the challenges. It is, therefore, critically important that we amplify a global conversation to advance solutions. Our success demands that we work together.
Through individual providers, governments, and global bodies, we reinforce this vision as we work to make the world a better place to grow old. In partnership with our members, we combine our collective voices to turn our vision into a reality. The dozens of virtual roundtables, webinars, a leadership series, and conference participation in 2024 provided opportunities to address the issues that are most urgent in our sector. I am grateful for your participation with the dynamic and essential Global Ageing Network.
Katie Smith Sloan | Executive Director | Global Ageing Network