Aging | Country Initiatives | Global Ageing News | July 19, 2016

Brexit’s Impact on Global Ageing

BY GlobalAgeing

Aged care organizations in the United Kingdom are not immune from the impact of Brexit. A recent report documents the challenges Brexit presents to voluntary organizations in the social sector in the UK.

Many organizations in the UK have been dependent on EU financing to support infrastructure, research and development, causing some to be concerned about the future of these programs. Critical workforce issues are also of concern, including the ability to retain existing EU nationals and securing the future supply of workers in the social sector. The caution is that uncertainty within the labor market could reduce providers’ abilities to recruit workers in the short term, as many workers in aged care are not native to the UK.

In the longer term, there are broader workforce planning requirements necessary to ensure an adequate pool of skilled and caring staff in the future. With many issues to be sorted out and discovered over time, the impact of Brexit will likely be felt by aged care organizations for years to come.

*Brexit image designed by Starline –