Tom Hill
[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h3″ extra=””]Board Treasurer[/heading]
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Founding Director, IAHSA China
Managing Director, Direct Supply Asia Pacific
Tom Hill is the Asia/Pacific Managing Director of Direct Supply, the leading provider of equipment, eCommerce and Service Solutions to Senior Living Operators in USA and China.
He is also co-founder of IAHSA-China, the official chapter of IAHSA in China. IAHSA represents more than 20,000 ageing services providers worldwide who serve almost 5 million elderly daily and is the largest organization of its kind in the world.
Previously, Mr. Hill served as Director of Information Services for DSSI, the first and industry-leading web based purchasing system in Senior Living. DSSI offers a customized procurement and reporting solution that links large care providers to their supply chain networks, streamlining the purchasing process to increase compliance and reduce costs.
Mr. Hill received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from the Milwaukee School of Engineering and his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He has lived in the People’s Republic of China since 2008 and speaks Mandarin Chinese.
Tom Hill 是Direct Supply亚太地区执行董事。Direct Supply是美国和中国专业老年护理产品及解决方案服务供应商。