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Register Now

Registration is now open for international attendees. Registration for those in the United States will open in July.


Travel Information

Consider booking flights and travel to the United States early to secure the lowest pricing and best itinerary. View the current schedule of events and registration rates below.

Hotels will become available when room blocks open in mid-July. Registered conference attendees will receive an email with a link to select and book their hotel accommodations at that time. GAN has secured 20 different hotels with rates which range from $245-365 USD plus applicable taxes per night.

Attendees requiring a visa to participate in the Global Ageing Conference are encouraged to begin the application process as early as possible. Be sure to check your country’s specific requirements and gather all necessary documents, including an official invitation letter if needed, which will be provided after you have registered.

For assistance or additional information, please contact S. Davis at

Registration Categories

This category applies to all individuals NOT associated with a business firm and includes employees of provider organizations who deliver direct care to older adults. Full-time university professors and full-time employees of non-profit and government organizations also fall under the Provider category.

  • Opening Lunch (Sun)
  • Keynotes (Mon-Tues)
  • Education Sessions (Sun-Wed)
  • E2 Expo (Mon-Tues)
  • E2 Expo Lunch (Mon, Tues)

This category applies to companies and individuals who sell/market products and/or services to providers.

  • Opening Lunch (Sun)
  • Keynotes (Mon-Tues)
  • Education Sessions (Sun-Wed)
  • E2 Expo (Mon-Tues)
  • E2 Expo Lunch (Mon, Tues)

This category is an add-on to a primary registrant’s record and applies only to family members of registrants (who are NOT employed with a business firm or a provider organization in the ageing services field).

  • Opening Lunch (Sun)
  • Keynotes (Mon-Tues)
  • E2 Expo (Mon-Tues)
  • E2 Expo Lunches (Mon, Tues)

The Global Ageing Network Aged Care Site Tour (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST)

Sign up for guided visits to two aging services organizations in the Boston area. Discover innovative care models, explore cutting-edge programs, and gain valuable insights to enhance your organization. Participants will be able to interact with providers and witness aged care sites in real-time. Lunch will be provided.

  • Separate cost ($125 USD/per person)
  • Lunch included
  • Limited availability: 40 people

Global Ageing Network Summit (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST)

The Global Ageing Network Summit is a dynamic, day-long program dedicated to exploring innovation in ageing services. Held on Saturday, 1 November 2025, this event will feature a keynote address by Joseph Coughlin, founder and director of the MIT AgeLab, along with insights from other leading experts diving into transformative ideas shaping the future of our field.

  • Separate cost ($150 USD/per person)
  • Lunch included

Global Ageing Network/LeadingAge Annual Meeting (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST)

View full schedule here.

The conference will conclude on 5 November at 12 p.m. US EST.

Global Ageing Thought Leader

Global Ageing Supporter

Register Today & Make Plans for Boston!

Registration is now open to make international travel plans easier. Register today, book your airfare, and we’ll be in contact once hotels are available for booking in July.

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